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Sanditon & Other Stories

HarperCollins je prúdom toho istého, čo je mimoriadne range of best-loved, essential classics.
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HarperCollins je prúdom toho istého, čo je mimoriadne range of best-loved, essential classics. Mladý Charlotte Heywood sa nachádza v Sanditon, a neďaleko established sea resort, s parkérmi: patrónmi a enthusiastic promoters of the town. Just as town seeks to reinvent itself as a fashionable destination, Charlotte Heywood attempts to begin anew amongst its residents. Ako sa začínajú do mesta Sanditon spoločnosti, s parkérmi a riadnym widow Lady Denham, a slew nových príchodov stir up emotions. Among sú relatívnymi pre Lady Denham, seeking her generous fortune; Miss Lambe, a rich heiress; and Sydney Parker, pekný mladý muž, ktorý chytí Charlotte's eye. Charlotte musí navigovať zložité webové stránky liaisons, finding herself viac involved than she ever intended... Vydané tu s jej unfinished work The Watsons, a much-loved novela-in-letters, Lady Susan, Austen's final, unfinished novel demonstrates hier biting sense of humor and will give readers a thrilling glimpse of a genius at work.