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Lenin on the Train

'The superb, funny, fascinating story Lenin's trans-Európskeho rail journey a how it shook the world' Simon Sebag Montefiore, Evening Standard, Books of Year'Splendid ... a …
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'The superb, funny, fascinating story Lenin's trans-Európskeho rail journey a how it shook the world' Simon Sebag Montefiore, Evening Standard, Books of Year'Splendid ... a drahokam among histórie, s jediným epizódom z penultimate Rok Veľkej vojny, osvetlenie a kontinent, revolúcia a séria psychológie v momente cataclysm a robí to s wit, súdenie a oči pre telling detail' David Aaronovitch, TimesBy 1917 Európska vojna seemed to be endless. Both sides v boji vyzeral na nové zbraň, tactiky a nápady na break a stalemate that was itself destroying Europe. V nemeckej vláde malá skupina mužov had a brilantné myšlienka: čo nie je rýchly konfusion v neúprosne chaotic Rusko by arranging pre Vladimír Ilyich Lenin, most notorious revolutionary extrémistov, aktuálne safely uviaznutý v neutral? Catherine Merridale's Lenin na train recreates Lenin's extraordinary journey z nešťastnej exile v Zürichu, cez Germany falling to kusy z vojny deprivations, a severoamerické k okraju Lapland na reštriktívnu krajinu s jeho eventuálne ecstatic reception na skill a insight Merridale znáša story vlaku a jeho uniquely strange skupina passengers s ukladacou úrovňou teraz pol-forgotten liberal Russian revolution a shows ako tieto udalosti intersected. Sme brilliantne použili obrovský rozsah prechodných eyewitnesses, observing Lenin as sa travelled back to a country he had not seen for many years. Mnohí thought he was a mere 'useful idiot', others thought he would rapidly by imprisoned or killed, others that Lenin had in practice few followers and even less influence. They would all prove to be quite wrong.