Ice cream shop owner Bronwyn Crewse je v dvoch škrupinách murder v tejto charming mystery z Abby Collette. Chagrin Falls, Ohio, je nádherný vo páde, a Bronwyn Crewse, vlastník Crewse Creamery, knows just how to welcome new season. V roku 2011 Harvest Time Festival, rezidentov sa dostane do pôrodu hot-air balóny a hayrides, koruna a nový Harvest Time Festival Queen, a jej delicious frozen treats sold at Win's freshly purchased ice cream truck. Ale she dostane do sprinkle trúble keď festivalgoer je poisoned and Win is implicated. Although victim was a former Harvest Time Festival Queen, jej once-sunny disposition had dimmed do bitterness, leaving no shortage of suspects at the festival. Kľúčové jej meno pred chillom v zime sety v, Víno musí byť investigate and hope that jej detective skills won't "dessert" hier.
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