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Emergencia (Foreigner)

Nineteenth kniha v bielom Foreigner space opera series začiatkom nového éra pre human diplomat Bren Cameron, as he navigates tenuous peace medzi human refugees a alien atevi.
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Nineteenth kniha v bielom Foreigner space opera series začiatkom nového éra pre human diplomat Bren Cameron, as navigoval tenuous peace medzi human refugees a alien atevi. Bren Cameron, činný ako predstaviteľ atevi political leader, Tabini-aiji, ako dobre ako translator medzi ľuďmi a atevi, má undertaken misiu na ľudský enclave Mospheira. Both jeho prítomnosť na ostrove a jeho absencia z kontinentu má stierané staré enemies to realizuje nové opportunities. Old hatreds. Old grudges. Old ambitions. V situácii je strengthened determination of power-seekers na boh sides of the strait. Bren knows most z týchto veľmi dobre, ale nie všetky z nich dobre enough. Space stanica na ktorej svet inreasingly relies je desperate to dostať viac príležitostí na orbitu a dostať vážne oversupply ľudských refugees do sveta. Rationing is in force on the tation, ale overpopulation problem has to be solved quickly-and Bren's mission on Mospheira has expanded to include preparation for that landing. First down will be the three children to whom Tabini's son has a close connection. Ale following them will be thousands of humans who have never set foot on a planet, humans descended from colonists and officers who split off from Mospheiran humans 2 years before in bitter parting of the ways. There is no way the atevi, native to the world, bude cediť any more land to these new arrivals: they will have to share the island. Ale certain Mospheirans sú schopní použiť force na prevenciu týchto refugees z settling among them. Bren's job is as general peacemaker - ale staré enemies want war. Is Bren 's diplomatické acumen prevzal a vojnu, že topánok side prepared to wage?